e-EQE 2021 – A candidate’s experience
For the first time ever, EQE was organised electronically in 2021. All candidates (nearly 4000) took the exam in their offices or homes according to their choice. How did it go? Depends on who you … [Mehr]
For the first time ever, EQE was organised electronically in 2021. All candidates (nearly 4000) took the exam in their offices or homes according to their choice. How did it go? Depends on who you … [Mehr]
Ende 2020 hatten wir unsere Rubrik Statistiken um die Ergebnisse der Vorprüfung der Europäischen Eignungsprüfung ergänzt. Mit der neuesten Statistik tauchen wir nunmehr in die Ergebnisse der Hauptprüfung der Europäischen Eignungsprüfung ein, wobei den Anfang … [Mehr]
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