Gestern habe ich was merkwuerdiges erlebt.
Nach einem Anruf von Headhunter(in), habe ich Die getroffen, und teile die Highlights mit.
... So, when you joined the EPO, have you been headhunted? ....
... can you travel to Madrid and represent client in front of the European Patent Office there?....
Mein Antwort: No, because there is no EPO in Madrid.
...but, what if there was European Patent Office in Spain?
Sie hat es geschaft: she made my day.
Nach einem Anruf von Headhunter(in), habe ich Die getroffen, und teile die Highlights mit.
... So, when you joined the EPO, have you been headhunted? ....
... can you travel to Madrid and represent client in front of the European Patent Office there?....
Mein Antwort: No, because there is no EPO in Madrid.
...but, what if there was European Patent Office in Spain?
Sie hat es geschaft: she made my day.