Good training/courses for work as patent specialist?




Hoffentlich es ist erlaubt auch Englisch in diesem Forum zu benutzen, ich kenne mich viel besser aus in Englisch als in Deutsch.

I have worked now for few years in patent department in industry and learned on the subject-matter. In the future I also plan to take EQE.

As we outsource most of the prosecution work, I do not really interact so much with EPO or other national patent offices.

I was approved a training (up to one week, preferably this year) and I am looking for information, suggestions, hints, links, ?. (I know Delta courses, but as they take 3 weeks, I'll have to wait until 2008/09).

Please advise me on what course/training to take: I was thinking on issues such as a) oral proceedings, b) answering the official communications - how to rebate objections, limit the claims but still obtain the widest possible protection.

For the issues such as good drafting (so to have fall back positions) I believe I can learn more by self-study.

I thank in advance and I will appreciate any suggestion



Southerner schrieb:
Please advise me on what course/training to take: I was thinking on issues such as a) oral proceedings, b) answering the official communications - how to rebate objections, limit the claims but still obtain the widest possible protection.
;-) Ein joke am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen.

Es gibt einen Grund, warum ein EQE-Aspirant min. 3 Jahre Berufserfahrung braucht.

Aber ich denke, dass das da oben eh nicht ernst gemeint ist. *ROFL*


You could take the CEIPI courses in preparation for the EQE (see under links...)


Gastin thank you for the proposal;

I am aware of CEIPI courses however there are none organized in my part of Southern Europe. Further more I heard that those courses provide extensive theoretical knowledge, e.g. as needed to pass D of EQE, but no practical work. So CEIPI will be an option if/when I will be sent to an international assignement.

We outsource prosecution, so I can not learn details in house.

The reasons for my direction to orals is that we noticed in many cases that the Representative did not understand the technical issues, or because of our lack of practical knowledge, we were not in position to judge his strategy or justify what we felt was wrong; so the reason for my wish to learn more is not to be able to do orals on my own, but to be able to work effectively with some of you Representatives.

The reasons for my other direction to limiting of scope of claims, is the fact that we need to asses the likelihood that published applications of our competitors will be granted and in what scope. I believe, this can be only done by knowing yourself how to do it.


P.S: as to the comment of Gast, the question was meant seriously and there is no need for insults.

P.P.S.: Some of you may be lucky enough to live in countries where patent profession is respected. In my environment, the role of patent people is somehow leveled with librarians, and thus is was hard enough to persuade people to grant me 7 day course/training, so I am naturally looking for the most I can get.
Hi Southerner,

Most courses will naturally be geared towards passing the EQE.
However, you may still be interested in taking part in the weekly CEIPI course in Strasbourg in November for parts A,B,C, which would not include the legal overhead of Part D, the latter part being held in a separate week in January.
Alternatively, I remember hearing about a good two-week course held by Vossius in English. That might be more appropriate for your current requirements.
Alas, you'll probably not get around travelling north.


There is a Master Course in Intellectual Property in Zurich, Switzerland. Single Modules can be attended. The Modules EPC Claim Drafting and EPC Communication might be interesting for you. The curriculum of last year programm can be found here Theses Masters course is usually held annually, so probably the modules are offered again this autumn.
Please note that the part of the course is held in German and part in English. You would have to check whether these modules will be held in English.

Another possibilty is to attend Forum courses , especially the course European claim drafting, but they are very expensive


Thank you fro the answers

1 Praktika intern seems interesting, however, this seem for the next year.
2 As far as German language is concerned - I can follow it up, but I world prefer English.
3 How much approx. would cost Forum courses?

4 I also heard of Euro SEAD? Anybody has something to comment?



*** KT-HERO ***

well I am in more or less the same situation as you are (lonesome patent guy whitout professional help).

I did a lot of the courses from the advertisement area of this forum. They were held in German but they were excellent. Additionally, I will take the two CEIPI courses in Strassburg which were already mentioned before. If I would have time and money I would take the delta patent course in any case (for instance if you do not pass the EQE2008).

Maybe you can find some guys from your region to train together. If you apply for EQE you can anouce a text for others like "who wants to train for EQE in Italy/Rome...".

There is also an english book "How to pass the EQE" (as far as I can remember). It is quite OK and gives you some hints. Additionally, you can read a commentary like Singer/Stauder.

In any case you should work on old EQEs like the are published by the EPO.

:eek:) And if you have enough money you can file patent applications of your own inventions, you apply for PACE and the you can see if you are able to gain a patent. (This advice is not serios)

